Who is there? - FühlZeitLand initiative -Creative country life in Germany

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FühlZeitLand initiative
Who is there?

The FühlZeitLand initiative is an organization that works according to the principle of swarm intelligence. This means that decisions are not made by a single leader, but rather arise through the collective collaboration of various experts from different areas.
The FühlZeitLand team is made up of (mostly freelance) specialists from various industries, including:

• Engineering (including agricultural engineering)
• Healthcare
• Architecture & Design
• Science & Research
• Culture & creative professions
• Associations and organizations

The initiative deals with innovative, sustainable and technological solutions in various areas, including:

  • Sustainable construction/renovations (renovations, hybrid timber construction, dome systems, greenhouse technology)
  • Climate-neutral energy systems (agri-photovoltaics, storage systems, smart grid, air conditioning systems)
  • Digitization & AI (e.g. barrier-free software, AI applications, regional platforms, shop systems, IT and entertainment, voice controls with translations)
  • Mobility & sharing concepts (driving services, sustainable transport solutions)
  • Health & care (Green-Care Living, PopCures cultural therapies, telemedicine)
  • Environment & Recycling (Tiny Forests, water management, plastic recycling, forest fire protection)
  • Living & Garden (Cluster Living, Vertical Farming, Herb Gardens, AAL/Smart Homes)
  • Cooperatives (Garden, Living, Regional and Purchasing Cooperatives, Start-up Advice)
In summary, FühlZeitLand is an interdisciplinary initiative that designs creative and sustainable projects with the help of community intelligence and brings them to fruition with the involvement of regional actors.
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