Where? - FühlZeitLand initiative -Creative country life in Germany

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FühlZeitLand initiative
Where ?

In Germany

BW = Baden-Württemberg
BY = Bayern
BE = Berlin
BB = Brandenburg
HB = Bremen
HH = Hamburg
HE = Hessen
MV = Mecklenburg-Vorp.
NI = Niedersachsen
NW = Nordrhein-Westfalen
RP = Rheinland-Pfalz
SL = Saarland
SN = Sachsen
ST = Sachsen-Anhalt
SH = Schleswig-Holstein
TH = Thüringen
Germany map
Rural regions * look very different and therefore fulfill very different functions for Germany:
They are living, working, landscape and recreational areas. When looking at the similarities between rural areas, it becomes clear that these regions are characterized by agricultural and forestry land use. The settlement pattern is dominated by villages, small and medium-sized towns with many single-family houses and larger properties. The places are surrounded by a typical regional cultural landscape of fields, meadows, forests and water. The economy and work are dominated by small and medium-sized companies. Larger centers require access by car, train or bus.
*Definition: Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL)
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