FühlZeitLand initiative
What will happen ?
FühlZeitLand – Smart-GreenCare farm living as a “speed limit” for the second half of life.
For a time in harmony with nature and yourself
In a world that is constantly evolving and in which life is often characterized by hectic pace and competition, the idea of slowing down is becoming more and more important. FühlZeitLand starts right here and creates oases of peace and reflection for people in pre-retirement, be it on a farm or a rural property.

The FühlZeitLand philosophy aims to consciously approach life more slowly and contemplatively in order to reduce stress and increase personal time wealth. Time wealth refers to an intangible resource that is closely linked to lifespan and encompasses various dimensions, including self-determination over time, the subjective quality of the time experienced and integration into time institutions.
Offers and features of the FühlZeitLand concept:
Sustainable tourism and good medical care: pedestrian and cycle paths are well developed. Doctors' practices and hospitals in relative proximity ensured high-quality medical care.
Flexible mobility: Mobility stations for buses, trains, community buses, e-wheelchairs and walker rentals are available, as are charging stations for e-mobility.
Gardens: Public kitchen gardens, self-catering and climate and herb gardens enable you to enjoy sustainably produced food from the region.

Barrier-free accommodation and gastronomy: From serviced apartments, tiny homes, shared apartment buildings and hotels to restaurants - all rooms are designed to be barrier-free and there is a regional range of food and drinks.

Cultural exchange: From open-air cinema to literary evenings, artist-in-residence programs, workshops and concerts – FühlZeitLand promotes cultural exchange.
Sustainable cooperative and regional economic models: FühlZeitLand relies on cooperatives (housing cooperatives, care cooperatives) and innovative regional economy, including regional shopping and farm shop concepts.
Holistic health offers: Health is promoted through holistic medicine, natural cosmetics, fitness with low-tech devices, therapy workshops and cultural therapies.
Technological innovation: The (German) FühlZeitLand®building systems for circular modular construction, element construction and renovations, the construction of earth houses, energy roof solutions, gray water recycling, smart home solutions and information technology with optimal access to cultural and entertainment offerings via the FühlZeitLand browser.
FühlZeitLand creates a harmonious environment in which older (and younger) people can live in harmony with nature and themselves. The concept combines sustainability, deceleration and social innovation to enable a fulfilling life in old age.
FühlZeitLand invites you to enjoy nature and find happiness in the little things.

FühlZeitLand – time for happiness
FühlZeitLand – time for happiness.
FeelTime - an explanation.
Feel the time - use the time.
Carpe diem (literally: “Pick the day”) is a sentence from around 23 BC. The ode “An Leukonoë” by the Roman poet Horace (* 65 BC; † 8 BC) was written in BC. In the final line, as a conclusion to the poem, she calls on people to enjoy their limited time in life today and not to postpone it until the next day. In German, the translation “Seize the day” became a household word.
“Seize the day” or “enjoy the day” does not adequately capture the actual core of the phrase. The metaphor, borrowed from the natural world, evokes an image of picking flowers or fruits as a moment rooted in the sensory experience of nature.